
Kava Prop 41 meets quorum requirements

Kava Prop 41 is the third attempt to upgrade the Kava mainnet. However, unlike previous unsuccessful attempts, the proposal has finally met the quorum requirements. Consequently, the Kava-7 upgrade is expected to go live at 15:00 UTC on April 8, 2021.

On this note, node operators and validators have been mandated to upgrade to Kava v0.14.1 since it is the intended release for the upcoming upgrade.

According to the Kava team, if v0.14.1 is not released by April 5, 2021, the proposal would be considered invalid. Another proposal would be submitted to supersede it.

Apparently, Kava-7 is a duplicate of the Kava-5.1 upgrade, which is ironically also a re-release of the Kava-5 upgrade. The Kava-5 upgraded contained a bug that compelled the Kava Safety Committee to halt and roll back the network to Kava-6.

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