Pippa Malmgren is a former member of the US President’s Working Group on Financial Markets and The President’s Working Group on Corporate Governance. She is also an author and entrepreneur. Her books include Signals, an economic megatrend analysis, and the Leadership Lab, about how good leadership skills can help us all. She has now turned her attention to crypto developments, including Defi and sovereign digital currencies.
She joins the FT Alphaville team this Friday at 4pm UK time to discuss the megatrends we might not yet have spotted, especially with respect to how the worlds of Defi, economics and geopolitics are likely to come together.
To take part in the chat click here. Or follow @izakaminska, @jemimajoanna or @senojerialc. As ever we are keen for the conversation to be interactive, so do raise your virtual hands so that we can bring you in. (Though, as delightful as everyone’s background noises are these days, do keep yourself on mute until you are invited to speak.) One more reminder: Spaces only works in listening mode if accessed from your desktop computer.
Source: Economy - ft.com