
Bitcoin Critic Peter Schiff Asks Elon Musk Important Question

Schiff posed the following question in his post: “I’ve been losing 500–1000 followers every night for the past month or so. That keeps me from having more than 1,014,000 followers overall.” He mentioned that he gains followers all day, then wakes up in the morning to find that they have vanished.

A conversation about the potential causes of the follower drop was sparked by the X post, which attracted the attention of several users. A few individuals speculated that Schiff’s repeated negative statements about Bitcoin might be the reason for the loss. A humorous comment was posted beneath his post, saying it is no surprise that Schiff does not understand Bitcoin. Perhaps people have grown weary of endless “the end is near” apocalyptic takes on Bitcoin.

Schiff implied that Elon Musk, the leader of X, might have something to do with Schiff’s losing followers. However, it is unlikely that Musk is somehow directly interfering with the follower count on certain accounts. Similar to the Bitcoin market that Schiff criticizes, social media is unpredictable. However, the most likely reason behind Schiff’s problem is bots. X is actively fighting spam accounts and different bot farms, which use mass-following tactics.

Schiff’s post reminds us of the complicated dynamics of social media platform algorithms that often confuse people. If you are experiencing a drop in follower amount, it is not necessarily the result of poor content management but rather an action taken by the platform you are working on.

This article was originally published on U.Today

Source: Cryptocurrency -

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