
‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Sees Big New Reason for Buying Bitcoin (BTC)

He says Bitcoin is the best option now, along with several other assets, to protect oneself from the approaching U.S. dollar crash.

BRICS consists of multiple members, starting from its earliest members – Brazil (B), Russia (R), India (I), China (C) and South Africa (S). In January 2024, this list was expanded as the UAE, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia were also accepted.

Robert Kiyosaki tweeted that should the BRICS gold-backed crypto indeed launch, a massive amount of U.S. dollars will start flowing back into the U.S. The “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author calls the U.S. dollar “fake money” in his X message. He believes that this tremendous USD inflow will cause hyperinflation in America and will ultimately destroy the U.S. dollar completely.

The financial expert reckons that the only way to protect oneself from the expected U.S. dollar crash is to start buying Bitcoin, gold and silver.

Back then, the U.S. government began stimulating the economy by giving away so-called “survival checks” and buying out large banks and businesses. These aims were achieved through printing additional U.S. dollars and injecting them into circulation. In 2020 alone, more than $6 trillion worth of greenbacks were printed. Since then, Kiyosaki has been slamming the U.S. dollar as “fake money.”

Since then, the government has been frequently taking to this quantitative easing policy and printing billions of U.S. dollars. The EU and other countries followed suit.

This article was originally published on U.Today

Source: Cryptocurrency -

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