
The Economist’s agony uncle returns

Dear Max, My employer has a policy of allowing dogs in the office. Almost everyone there seems to think this is tremendous but I don’t like the things. (To be honest, I don’t like people either but I accept that they should be allowed to come to the workplace.) Is there anything I can do, or do I have to grin and bear it?

You are not alone: I probably get more letters about this topic than any other. It’s very hard to admit to disliking dogs, so lots of people end up suffering them in silence. You could talk to HR about ending the policy, but would risk being known to all your colleagues as the psychopath who hates puppies. It’s much better to try to subvert the system. My advice is to say that you need to bring another type of much less acceptable animal to the office. If pressed, use the word “wellness” and hint at discrimination if they do not seem keen. With luck they will reach the conclusion that it is best simply to ban all pets.

Source: Business -

Walmart’s latest product? Its customers

Palm Beach housekeepers are making $150,000 a year due to massive demand from the wealthy