In 2007, Japan’s virtual idol Hatsune Miku debuted with synthesized voice technology, establishing the UGC model in the virtual idol industry. By 2012, her success led to the rise of more virtual idols, with organizations like Japan’s Hololive and Korea’s PLAVE adopting the PGC model, using motion capture and real-time rendering.However, the PGC model faces challenges like high costs, slow content creation, and limited creativity. In contrast, AI, the Metaverse, and Web3 technologies offer a new approach by emphasizing UGC. This shift allows users more freedom to create and share content, leading to a more open and inclusive virtual idol ecosystem.MEET48 exemplifies this new direction, integrating these technologies to foster user participation and creativity.MEET48 rented an entire street in Lan Kwai Fong, Hong KongMEET48 has made significant strides in the Web3 industry, including renting a street in Hong Kong’s Lan Kwai Fong for promotion. The project expanded its ecosystem with initiatives like the CoinIdols airdrop on TON and the CoinFish project, aiming to attract idol culture fans through various channels.MEET48 leverages a self-developed multimodal large model to train virtual humans in music and dance, offering AI tools and MaaS editors for easy creation, demonstrating its core competitiveness. MEET48’s COO mentioned their model is trained on 500TB of data, nearly 1,000 times more than the 570GB used for GPT-3, showcasing MEET48’s extensive data resources.No similar vertical large model exists in the market; MEET48 has developed IdolGPT and SRMBuilder , allowing users to generate virtual idols from photos and create songs and dance moves via text input.MEET48 is launching a next-gen virtual idol UGC community that merges virtual human and AIGC music and dance technology with MaaS services, spanning Web2.0 and Web3.0. It offers tools and resources for UGC and PGC creators, while supporting UGA and PGA content creation. MEET48’s social metaverse fosters Web3.0-native virtual humans and real idols.With over 24,000 UGC videos uploaded and more than 10 million views, MEET48’s fan-driven UGC system is thriving. Fans can become ‘idol creators’ and ‘partners,’ realizing their idol dreams in the MEET48 metaverse.MEET48’s Web3 platform and wallet feature a transparent, on-chain voting system. Fans earn points through activities, exchangeable for NFT voting tickets, ensuring transparency and immutability. The Dapp ranks first in DappBay’s social category, with over 3 million registered users for the ‘2024 GIPR2’ voting event, revolutionizing traditional voting with blockchain-recorded fan support.In 2025, MEET48 plans to integrate SNH48 idols and host a global idol voting event in Hong Kong, merging virtual and real idols and marking a new era in the idol industry.Recently, MEET48 expanded internationally by establishing offices in Japan. On August 27th, MEET48 will co-host the WebX official opening party, featuring SNH48 and popular Japanese idols. On September 4th, MEET48 will sponsor SNH48’s TOP16 Tokyo tour, promoting its global virtual idol and Web3 strategy. Additionally, MEET48 will co-host the “Back To The Streets” event in Singapore during Token2049 on September 18th and participate as a platinum sponsor, underscoring its role in the Web3 ecosystem.By leveraging Web3 and AI, MEET48 is poised to disrupt the entertainment industry. In the near future, user-created virtual idols will compete in voting contests to become top idols, eventually sharing the stage with real idols in a metaverse that blends the virtual and real worlds.Website: (X): Telegram: DirectorSiyu YangMEET48siyu@meet48.comThis article was originally published on Chainwire More