
Cramer's lightning round: Just buy Paycom

Alteryx: “Look, Alteryx, we had them on, we were the only people who liked this company and we know that this is an amazing company.” Buy.

Adaptive Biotechnologies: “Science equipment. Very, very hot, but you know what I like Danaher more and I like Thermo.”

Discover Financial Services: “My answer is no, O.K.?”

Paycom Software: “Just buy it.”

IRobot Corp.: “No. … Sell it.”

Amicus Therapeutics: “Amicus is like an amicus brief. I got to tell you it’s real speculative. You want to be in it, understand: you’re in for a dime, you can be in for a dollar and that’s O.K. with me.”

Source: Business -

Blink and you miss it: The U.S. yield curve inverts again

BOJ debated scope for policy review in January: summary