
Your first trade for Wednesday, February 19

The “Fast Money” traders shared their first moves for the market open.

Tim Seymour was a buyer of the Platinum ETF.

Brian Kelly was a buyer of the Junior Gold Miner ETF.

Karen Finerman was a buyer of Alibaba.

Guy Adami was a buyer of Gardner Denver. 


Trader disclosure: Tim Seymour is long AMZA, AMZN, AAPL, ACBFF, ACRGF, ALEF, ACB, APH, ARNA, BA, BABA, BAC, BTI, C, CARA, CCJ, CF, CGC, CLF, CNBS, CRLBF, CRON, CSCO, CWEB, CURLF, DAL, DIS, DVYE, EA, EBR, EDC, EEM, EMH, EUFN, EWM, FB, FDX, FIRE, FLWR, FXI, GE, GM, GOOGL, GTBIF, GTII, GWPH, HEXO, HK.APH, HRVOF, HVT, HYYDF, IIPR, INTC, ITHUF, JD, KERN, KHRN, KRO, KSHB, LABS, LEAF, LNTH, MAT, MCD, MJNE, MO, MOS, MPX, MRMD, NEPT, NKE, NRTH, OGI, OGZPY, ORGMF, OTC, PAK, PCLO, PHM, PKI, RIV, SBUX, SNDL, SQ, SSPKU, STZ, T, TCEHY, TER, TGOD, TLRY, TNYBF, TRSSF, TRST, TWTR, UA, UAL, VEON, VFF, VIAB, VIVO, VOD, WAB, WB, WMD, X, XLY, YCBD, YNDX, ZENA, ZYNE, 700. Tim is short SPY. Tim’s firm is long CGC, HEXO, CRON, APH. Tim is on the advisory board of KSHB, Heaven, Tikun Olam, CCTV, and Canndescent. Tim is an advisor to JWAM. Karen Finerman’s firm is long ANTM, C, CBS, CPRI, FB, FDX, FL, FNAC, GOOG, GOOGL, GLNG, GMLP, HD, JPM, LYV, REZI, RRGB, SPY puts, SPY put spreads, STNG, TBT, TGT, TIF, URI, WIFI, YUMC. Her firm is short HYG, IWM, LQD. Her firm is short TGT calls. Her firm is long DIS call spreads. Karen Finerman is long AAL, AYR/CN BAC, BOT Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, C, CAT, CBS, CPRI, DAL, DVYE, DXJ, EEM, EPI, EWW, EWZ, DVYE, FB, FL, GM, GMLP, GLNG, GOOG, GOOGL, JPM, LOW, LYV, KFL, MA, MTW, REAL, REZI, SEDG, TACO, WIFI, WFM, YUMC. Karen Finerman is long FB spread calls. Karen Finerman is long GOOG put spreads. Karen Finerman is long SPY puts. Bitcoin and Ethereum are in her kids’ Trust. Brian Kelly is Long Bitcoin, Ethereum, Oil, GLD. Short US 10 Year Notes. Guy Adami is long CELG, EXAS, GDX, INTC. Guy Adami’s wife, Linda Snow, works at Merck.

Source: Finance -

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